Central Reporting Point newcomers Primary Education Amsterdam
The Central Reporting Point Newcomers Primary education Amsterdam is an initiative of the Joint School Boards Primary Education (BBO) in Amsterdam and Het ABC.
How is the organization of the Reporting Point?
The Central Reporting Point Newcomers is an office function that administers a database of all filled and available places for newcomers at various primary schools in Amsterdam. When a primary school is faced with a pupil that comes straight from abroad, and no or very little mastery of the Dutch language, this school contacts the Reporting point. If the pupil fulfils the criteria for placement, the Reporting point will find a place for this pupil at one of the language classes. The reporting point keeps track of placements and potential waiting list(s) for the initial language classes in Amsterdam. The reporting point operates on behalf of BBO. Decisions about the procedures of the reporting point are prepared in a steering group and are set in the BBO. The steering group of the reporting point is under the direction of the BBO. The steering group consists of representation of the BBO, school boards that offer a language class, the Municipality of Amsterdam and two employees of ABC Educational advisors.
Placement and waiting list
Placing a pupil at a school remains the responsibility of school boards. In the case of a waiting list, newcomers must be temporarily taken up in a regular class of the reporting school. The reporting point reports the steering group of the capacity, to make sure that school boards can increase the offer of places in language classes, if desired.
Registration of a newcomer pupil on a school
Registsration of the newcomer pupil is via the stem school. The stem school contacts the Central Reporting point. The stem school is the primary school where parents/carers go to to register a pupil that comes straight from abroad. Also, the children will return to this school, normally after one year of newcomers education. You can find information about schools in amsterdam at the site: https://schoolwijzer.amsterdam.nl/nl/
No separate reception group exists for toddlers, the rules/criteria have been unchanged.

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